Traducción y aprendizaje del inglés by Britannica
merriam webster

1 Resultado de traducción para long-term en español


long term adjective

unfavorite favorite
a largo plazo, en el largo plazo

Ejemplos de uso de
long term adjective

  • The long-term effects of the medication are not known.

long adjective

unfavorite favorite play sound
largo; prolongado

Ejemplos de uso de
long adjective

  • The bridge is the longest in the world.
  • The pants are too long for me.
  • We drove a long distance.
  • the long side of the building
  • The whale was 50 feet long.
  • How long was the race?” “The race was five miles long.”
  • They've had a long and happy marriage.
  • She finds it hard to sit still for long periods of time.
  • The company has a long tradition of serving its customers well.
  • A day is 24 hours long.
  • The team has had a long streak of wins.

term noun

unfavorite favorite play sound
término, plazo, período; término (en matemáticas); vocablo

Ejemplos de uso de
term noun

  • “I had the feeling that I had been there before.” “The term for that is ‘déjà vu.’”
  • That's an outdated term that no one uses anymore.
  • He spoke about them in glowing terms.
  • The law had been understood in broad terms.
  • The governor will run for a second term.
  • He is currently serving his third term in the U.S. Senate.
  • He was sentenced to a ten-year term in the state penitentiary.
  • The term of the contract is 60 months.
  • His grades have improved since last term.
  • English 122 is not offered this term.

Sinónimos de
term noun

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land mine
mina de tierra
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